Friday, March 22, 2013

#ThursThreads - Week 63 - Winners

Week 63 of #ThursThreads had some terrific tales! Thanks to all who came to write yesterday. I'm honored to see all of the returning writers and read your stories. Thank you for coming back again and again to write. And I'm delighted to see new writers stopping by. Great thanks go to Jeff Tsuruoka for reading the stories.

  • Cara Michaels | @caramichaels 
  • Silver James | @SilverJames_
  • Kelly Heinen | @Aightball
  • Jeff Hollar | @Klingorengi
  • Theresa Breaux | @theresabreaux
  • Rebecca Brennan | @bexbrennan
  • Siobhan Muir | @SiobhanMuir
  • Antonio Angelo | @AntonioAngelo21
  • Robin Abess | @Angelique_Rider
  • Susan Hayes | @capricia13
  • Dr Magoo | @drmagoo
  • Sandra Bunino | @SandraBunino
  • Meredith Smith-Lane | @squee79
  • David A Ludwig | @DavidALudwig
  • Mark Ethridge | @LurchMunster
  • Nellie Batz | @solimond
  • Grace Black | @blackinkpinkdsk
  • Lisa McCourt Hollar | @jezri1
  • @LupusAnthropos

Winners Announcement:

Honorable Mentions
Cara Michaels | @caramichaels
Jeff says: Got a big laugh out of this one... A great take on the prompt.

Susan Hayes | @capricia13
Jeff says: I love the pacing of this story, the whoosh of urgency carried from the first line right through the ending.

Dr Magoo | @drmagoo
Jeff says: What a powerhouse of a first sentence... and the rest of it stands up just as well. Perfectly rendered.

Week 63 Winner

Jeff says: Beautiful uncluttered prose partners with intense imagery and strong atmospherics.  Great stuff.


She felt his arms around her and shivered. Her stomach fluttered as his hands closed around hers, positioning her fingers around the cold instrument.

“Never point it unless you intend to use it. Aim… like this.” He guided her hand up, aiming the gun at the target that was in front of them. “The safety is here. Cock the hammer. Pull the trigger.”

Tanya squeezed and felt the kickback reverberate through her arms. He held her steady and showed her how to balance her stance so that it would be easier. She breathed in his scent. She had longed for her best friend’s brother for a long time now. She and Amy had once joked that they could be sister-in-laws if Jacob would only notice her. He never did and now it was too late. Amy was dead, the victim of a rapist that had been terrorizing the city and Jacob’s arms around her didn’t bring the comfort she had once thought.

After an hour he declared that she would at least be able to defend herself without shooting out an eye.

“Any questions?” He asked.

She had lots, but none that would provide a suitable answer. She had been there when Amy was attacked. No one knew because she had hid, watching… too afraid to move. But she’d seen his face. She knew who Amy’s killer was.

She cocked the hammer and put the gun to his head. Then she pulled the trigger.

Congratulations THREE TIME WINNER Lisa, Cara, Susan, and Dr. Magoo! Don't forget to claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it! :)

Pass on the great news on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the stories here. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! :)

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